
Wreck usually dived when the weather is rough. She lies in the Haven just out of Dale. Boats can be launched out of Dale where there is a concrete slipway, which is accessible to low water. A jetty is also available to moor the rib to. The wreck is marked with a Buoy which lies NW of it. Sank in 1940 , a Merchant ship of 6,426 tons, 400 feet long and 52 feet wide. Depth of wreck from 7m to 19m. Visibility can be poor, and tides fast.

Sank by a mine while dropping anchor on the night of 21/11/40 and went down in 3 min. In 1976 efforts raised a 1918 vintage 4" Vickers gun. The bow was blow apart as she presented a navigation hazard to shipping. Parts of the wreck can be dived through. Bow Section: Rich in Devonshire cup corals. Bottles of medicine have been found. Tin plate next to the fallen mast can be found. If you pick up some of the sheets you will be able to see your reflection in them. To the left squeeze between the side of the ship and the compartments. There are boxes containing ammunition for the guns that use to be on board.

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