
Wednesday 10th March 1943

Well '   Yer I be' in my bunk but not in bed, all my clothes on and everything I want to take with me- handy. There was nothing yesterday, just the usual routine. The old Carrier dodging around and planes flying on and off her.

Sunday 7th March 1943

10.30 . tired and dizzy.  Yes, I've had dizzy feelings all day. Perhaps that is because I had a whole chicken for my dinner and two pork chops for my tea.

Some planes left our carrier this morning and came back a few hours later. We heard they had located a sub. which accounts for our changing course so much today.

We are rolling heavily now. I'm almost afraid to go to  bed because it is awful lying here and not able to sleep.

I've played cards 'crib' with Chippy again tonight and beat him three out of four.

Wednesday 24th February 1943

Slept better last night, not so hot, we are coming into the cold weather now. The change is very sudden. The deck was all wet with rain this morning and the sea noticeably rougher.

Chippy beat me twice last night but I beat him at battleships. Went to bed about 11 o'clock. My thumb is worse Stewart going to dress it tonight.

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