today's news

Sunday 21st February 1943

We are still going eight knots, have passed Key West and to avoid subs. are well out to sea instead of following the coast as subs are there. New York is our next stop. It was at Key West we joined up with those other ships. It is hotter today than at any time I have known. I am very nearly nude. Turkey for dinner today, I carved up three large ones for 47 men, not bad!

Here is today's news:-

Friday 19th February 1943

Something just reminded me I'm British. It is two o clock, I am lying on my bunk. Right out here someone has just played on the wireless our Anthem. Very strange to hear that out here. I am writing to Mai.

We had a report that there was a sub. at Key West this morning. We should be due there any time now but we are going very slow, six knots. There are seven ships now, still with four Yanky escorts. Seven is a lucky number.

Here we are again, it is 10 o clock now. We are due at Key West at 8 a.m. tomorrow where we shall await another convoy.

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