Diary Entries

We are still going very slowly along. It is 11.30 night. I have just packed up something stitching for May, I hope she will like it for I have been doing it on and off ever since we left.

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My error, the fog did not entirely life and so it went on all night that terrible hooter. About 15 blasts each time in code at regular intervals. No wonder I had no sleep last night and no matter which way I lay the rolling ship would twist me back again, then back and soon, no, I had no sleep at all. In fact was awake smoking when the gunner on watch came in to call me.

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Yes thank you, I must have been very tired for I slept pretty well. And when I got up this morning I had to dash straight to the lav, bad luck, I'll tell you why. It hurt and started my pain again, also, I dropped a lot of buttons out of my overall pockets. I did not bother to look for or pick them up. I wish I had done so now for I find I dropped my lighter as well. Now it is lost, stolen or strayed. I have put a lost notice on board hoping it might come back. Who knows.

There is some lovely music on the wireless, it is grand to listen to.

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Drop of finest undiluted rum tonight, the pure white spirit. Oh! Boy! What a kick.

In bed now. "Ain't I glad too". I am tired and cold, never seen such variable weather.  We passed Greenland this morning. It was hereabouts we were attacked last trip.

 An aircraft (Yanky) joined us this morning in the middle of thick snow. She just loomed up in the middle of us, she must have been expected. Tomorrow I go into my Oerlikon gun. Good night and God Bless all, I'm going to sleep. Brrrrrr it's cold, another freeze up I suppose. More carrying water. Dammit.

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10.30 . tired and dizzy.  Yes, I've had dizzy feelings all day. Perhaps that is because I had a whole chicken for my dinner and two pork chops for my tea.

Some planes left our carrier this morning and came back a few hours later. We heard they had located a sub. which accounts for our changing course so much today.

We are rolling heavily now. I'm almost afraid to go to  bed because it is awful lying here and not able to sleep.

I've played cards 'crib' with Chippy again tonight and beat him three out of four.

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Roll, roll, pitch and toss. These seas have been hellish today. As though they want to break our back. However, we have managed to cook. I do not know how we are in warmer weather though for we have turned due south avoiding subs.  One was near us last night and was chased by two destroyers.

We have not seen the Carrier today, too rough. Supposed to be in Avonmouth on March 18th.

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Well '   Yer I be' in my bunk but not in bed, all my clothes on and everything I want to take with me- handy. There was nothing yesterday, just the usual routine. The old Carrier dodging around and planes flying on and off her.

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7.30. I do not know how to start mentally and physically. I am nearly buggered up.

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Well after a few depth charges last night all went quiet. We had a good night, I had a good sleep.

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I have not felt at all inclined to write, could not bring myself to do it, it is now 11am, we are at last back to British time. This afternoon we saw our first land, the hills of Northern Ireland, welcome. Be in Belfast Monday morning about 6.00am. Two days after the big do, we had 6 more escorts joining us, far too late, and today we saw our first British plane, a Sunderland.

Goodnight all, I am very tired, and bleary eyed.

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