Friday 22nd January 1943

I have a terrible feeling of dejection again. Thinking always thinking of Kidderminster. I wonder what is going on there. Have you had any snow, coal, fires, have you got any? There is always something running through my mind. There is a photograph hanging up here, it belongs to my mate otherwise I would take it down. Every time I look at it ,it reminds me of someone. Whenever I feel like this my brain becomes a running commentary of my past twelve months. Maybe today all our nerves are on edge owing to the fact that at 2 a.m. there was a sub reported 15 miles ahead and extra precautions had to be taken.

Someone on the ship is writing the daily news on a big blackboard. It is very amusing and a break from the monotony of the sea.  I think it is one of the A.B.S.    Here is one--


Standard Oil shares are going up. One fellow on

board ship will be glad to hear this.


Galley Boy, assisted by Cook, will once again turn out

a very delicious and appetising dinner which will

be appreciated by all.


Now the Galley Boy is dense and not particularly clean nor able to adapt himself. So you can imagine the fun it gives all.


There is certainly something still around. We have had two fighters with us for five hours, scouring the sea but still the good old Empire Opal sails on.

My mate brought me in some tea and a sandwich. Now I am going to try and sleep. I was in bed at 8.30 tonight.

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