Saturday 16th January 1943

Once more we see New York but this time only the lights. For we arrived at Anchor just as it was getting dark. It's very warm here. There was the usual breaking up of the convoy and all ships getting into one line to go in through the mine fields. It was all very beautiful of course and this was in the day light, couple of hours before we got in. As we came along so that hospital ship the Atlantis passed us going out again. We left her in Avonmouth, Mai and Margo saw her funnel. She was very beautiful all lit up, for they do not black out them. She was all white with red crosses, a picture to look at and so big up against us. We all waved "good luck"


It is just learned Skipper and Steward have done ashore. We are supposed to be leaving again in the morning again 5 o'clock to join another convoy to Galveston. But we are empty of stores and water and the whole ship is wonky. Already they have got parts of the engine down. The engineers exaggerate a little when they say, they can see daylight through the plates. But you can imagine how bad we are, even the petrol tanks are leaking water. The Skipper goes to the conference at midnight so it will be seen whether we go or not. It is a fortnight to Galveston.

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